With the recent release of OFW 4.88, and seeing that no CFW has come out in these last days
- Made out of 4.88 OFW
- Made manually without automatic tools
- SEN/PSN enabled
- Disabled deletion of unsigned act.dat and .rif files
- Allowed unsigned act.dat and .rif files
- Allowed running of unsigned applications
- Compatibility with FSELF
- C00 demo unlocker
- Disabled LIC.EDAT license check
- Can be installed over 3.55 OFW
- Can be installed over +3.56 OFW (bguerville Toolset)
- Can be installed over any CFW CEX
- COBRA 8.3 added and enabled as default
- Full PS2 Games Compatibility
- Possibility of Downgrade from any CFW with active QA Flags
- QA Flags active if previously enabled
- Disabled Epilepsy Message on Boot
- Compatibility with PSX games in ISO
- Compatibility with PSP games in ISO
- Compatibility with PS2 games in ISO
- Compatibility with PS3 games in ISO/JB folder format
- Compatibility with ReactPSN
- Display of Temperatures in XMB In-Game on PS2 Games
- RSOD Screen Bypass
- BSOD Screen Bypass
- PS3_GAME/app_home
- XMB In-Game Screenshot
- Added Package Manager
- CoreOS Hash Check patched to prevent Brick on non-dehashed Downgradate consoles
- Patched to remove LV2 Protection
- Peek and Poke (LV2)
- Peek and Poke (LV1)
- CINAVIA protection disabled
Cobra 8.3
- Failsafe Cobra stage2 (by bguerville/aldo)
- Restore CFW Syscalls without reboot just entering to 'Settings > System Update' on XMB (by aldo)
- Integrated Dynamic Control FAN (to control fan when webMAN is unloaded) (by aldo/Evilnat)
- Support Photo GUI integration with webMAN MOD (mount games from 'Photo' column) (by aldo/DeViL303)
- Get/Set FAN speed (by aldo)
- Enable/disable features: Photo GUI, Restore Syscalls (by aldo)
- Opcode to create CFW Syscalls (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 389, 409) (by aldo)
- Opcode to set fake accountID (by Evilnat)
- Opcode to activate account (act.dat) (by Evilnat)
- Opcode to create license (RIF) (by Evilnat)
- Updated ps3mapi_load_process_modules to load custom modules and system modules (by haxxxen)
- Added ps3mapi_get_process_module_info
- Increased from 24 to 32 the max number of map paths (by aldo)
- Added sm_get_temperature patch in kernel (by Evilnat)
- Added sm_get_fan_policy patch in kernel (by Evilnat)
- Added sm_set_fan_policy patch in kernel (by Evilnat)
- Fixed Control FAN payload, avoids loading previous mode (by Evilnat)
- Disable stage2.bin while Recovery Menu is loaded (by haxxxen)
- Fixed max FAN speed after shutdown (by Evilnat)
- Improved Habib's QA flags code imported by aldostools (by Evilnat)
- Fixed black screen in CFW2OFW converted games (by Evilnat)
- Added sm_ring_buzzer with single_beep, double_beep and triple_beep (by Evilnat)
- Skip license creation (rif) if it already exists (by aldo)
- Added cellFsMkdir symbol (by Evilnat)
- Fixed freezes on NAND with payload new address (by Evilnat)
- Added constant FAN Speed while a PS2 ISO is launched (by Evilnat)
- Check/Disable/Enable QA Flags (by Evilnat)
- Creation of act.dat while launching a PSN game (by Evilnat)
- Convert someones's else savedata to your own savedata (by Evilnat)
Tested in:
Improvements xai plugin
These options are in Network tab under [★ Custom Firmware Tools] option:
Power Options
- Turn Off: Turns off the PS3
- Hard Reboot: Reboots the PS3 completely
- Soft Reboot: Reboots the PS3 softly
- Reboot LV2: Reboots the LV2
Basic Tools
- FAN Speed: Shows current FAN speed
- PS3 Temperature: Shows current CPU and RSX temperature
- Show IDPS: Shows current IDPS
- Show PSID: Shows current PSID
- Toggle Coldboot: Toggles between custom/original coldboot.raf
- Toggle System Version: Toggles between custom/original system version in "System Information"
Basic Tools > xRegistry Tools
- Show accountID: Shows current user's accountID
- Backup activation file: Creates a backup of act.dat to /dev_usb or /dev_hdd0
- Disable account: Deletes current user's activation file act.dat permanently
- Backup xRegistry.sys: Creates a backup of xRegistry.sys to /dev_usb or /dev_hdd0
- Button Assignment: Switches O and X buttons
Cobra Tools
- Convert savedata: Converts savedata from "/dev_usbXXX/PS3/SAVEDATA" to your own savedata
- Cobra Information: Shows current Cobra information
- Activate account: Creates act.dat file in the current local account
- Create license: Creates RIF licenses from RAP files from "x:\exdata"
- Create accountID: Creates a fake accountID for current user's in xRegistry
- Overwrite accountID: Overwrites current user's accountID with a fake one in xRegistry
- Create Syscalls: Create syscalls 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 389 and 409
- Allow Restore Syscalls: Allows restoring syscalls through "System Update"
- Skip license creation: Skips overwriting license file (RIF) if it already exists
- Toggle "What's New": Toggles "What's New" option in "PlayStation™ Network" tab
- Toggle Cobra: Enables or disables Cobra (reboot is required)
Cobra Tools > FAN Tools
- Control FAN Mode: DISABLED: Disables Cobra’s Control FAN
- Control Fan Mode: SYSCON: Allows the PS3's SYSCON to control FAN speed
- Control Fan Mode: MAX: Set Cobra FAN speed to 0xFF
Cobra Tools > QA Tools
- Check QA Flags: Check if QA flags are enabled or disabled
- Enable QA Flags: Enables QA Flags
- Disable QA Flags: Disables QA Flags
Cobra Tools > FAN Tools > Dynamic FAN Control
- Maximum temperature: 60°C: Sets the fan speed dynamically to keep the system at a maximum temperature of 60°C
- Maximum Temperature: 65°C: Sets the fan speed dynamically to keep the system at a maximum temperature of 65°C
- Maximum Temperature: 70°C: Sets the fan speed dynamically to keep the system at a maximum temperature of 70°C
- Maximum Temperature: 75°C: Sets the fan speed dynamically to keep the system at a maximum temperature of 75°C
WARNING: Some PS3 cannot reach/stay some option temperatures, use with caution
Cobra Tools > FAN Tools > Manual Speed
- Manual Speed: 40%: Sets the fan speed statically at 40% (0x67)
- Manual Speed: 45%: Sets the fan speed statically at 45% (0x75)
- Manual Speed: 50%: Sets the fan speed statically at 50% (0x80)
- Manual Speed: 55%: Sets the fan speed statically at 55% (0x8E)
- Manual Speed: 60%: Sets the fan speed statically at 60% (0x9B)
- Manual Speed: 65%: Sets the fan speed statically at 65% (0xA8)
- Manual Speed: 70%: Sets the fan speed statically at 70% (0xB5)
- Manual Speed: 75%: Sets the fan speed statically at 75% (0xC0)
- Manual Speed: 80%: Sets the fan speed statically at 80% (0xCE)
- Manual Speed: 85%: Sets the fan speed statically at 85% (0xDA)
- Manual Speed: 90%: Sets the fan speed statically at 90% (0xE7)
WARNING: The chosen speed will be static, it will not be changed at any time automatically
Cobra Tools > FAN Tools > PS2 FAN
- PS2 Fan Mode: DISABLED: Disables Control FAN on PS2 game
- PS2 Fan Mode: SYSCON: Allows the PS3's SYSCON to control FAN speed on PS2 game
- PS2 Fan Mode: 40%: Sets FAN speed to 0x66 on PS2 game
- PS2 Fan Mode: 50%: Sets FAN speed to 0x80 on PS2 game
- PS2 Fan Mode: 60%: Sets FAN speed to 0x9A on PS2 game
- PS2 Fan Mode: 70%: Sets FAN speed to 0xB4 on PS2 game
- PS2 Fan Mode: 80%: Sets FAN speed to 0xCE on PS2 game
- PS2 Fan Mode: 90%: Sets FAN speed to 0xE8 on PS2 game
Download Links
Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.88 COBRA 8.3 [CEX]
Download:CFW EVILNAT 4.88 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] [noBT]
Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.88 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] [noBD]
Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.88 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] [noBD] [noBT]
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Write commentsis CFW EVILNAT 4.88 COBRA 8.3 compatible with cech2504b?
Replyhow come i cant use ccapi 2.80 ??
ReplySO which one is the nobd? the 1st one or the nobt ? sorry im confussed
Replythis one Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.88 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] [noBD]
Replyit says data is corrupt
Replymy device cech_2512A which verion is suitable?
ReplyWhich version for cech03
ReplyHi, I have a super slim ps3 with the original 4.88 software. Can I still install CFW ?
ReplyStick with Rebug if you are on DEX, ive not heard good things about Evilnat CFW.
ReplyGreetings! Which one do I need to download? I'm on a clean PS3 Super Slim 4.88 500GB. Thank you!
Replyis CFW EVILNAT 4.88 COBRA 8.3 compatible with CECH-2501B?
Replyhi .. how to bypass 8002f1f9 on ps3 super slim with cfw
ReplyConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon