PS Vita ref00d (plugin) Released - Consoleinfo
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PS Vita ref00d (plugin) Released

Run Games / Apps that require a higher FW from your own

Following the big news from Team Molecule several weeks ago and effectively opening the system wide open, it was only a matter of time before we would start to see other developer's start putting the finding to use and we have seen the FAPS Team (team members listed below) have recently released a new (taiHEN) plugin called ref00d, this plugin is a big deal, as it will allows users/devs to use content that would otherwise require a higher firmware to be played/executed on a lower firmware for your exploited PS Vita or PlayStation TV. Typically not an easy task to reach but thanks to Team Molecule's research and the FAPS Team we now have a ready to use simple plugin solution to remove those firmware restrictions, see additional details about this plugin release in the release notes provided below by the development team. 

  • the French - @CelesteBlue123
  • the American - @dots_tb
  • the 【Princess of Sleeping】 - @PoSsvkey
  • With @juliosueiras and TheRadziu - @AluProductions

What it does:

  • It allows you to run modules such as games or system apps that require a FW different from your own. This includes thing such as 3.69 games or 3.51 apps.

How to use:

  1. Add ref00d.skprx path to your taihen config.txt or use Autoplugin to install it.
    Note for devs: The release version does not work with plugin loader and must be used in taihen config.txt
  2. Make sure that reF00D is installed AFTER NoNpDRM in this config.txt.
  3. Put keys.bin file into ur0:/tai/keys.bin. (
  4. Reboot. Enjoy !

NOTE: rePatch module loading will take priority over reF00D.​

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