as the dev provided us with the latest update to PARAM SFO EDITOR v1.2 that is now supporting PS4 / PS3 / VITA & PSP platforms in this handy utility for editing various options / paths, useful for various task, if you are unfamiliar with this tool be sure to make backups of the PARAM.SFO your editing as you could make your Homebrew / App / Game ect. unbootable or change some settings, nothing serious but good to have a backup just incase. Checkout the latest details from @The Darkprogramer found in the quote provided below:
Hey Guys,
Been a while since i updated this but here you go a big update for the open world ps scene
We can now save param.sfo files without having to use the SCE Tools
I have attached the base for click once which can be installed the same way as my ps2 classics
Use the .application and not the setup.exe file
i have also added a pre built binarry so you can run it without click once if you wish
Have fun
P.S. This tool supports PSP/PSVIta/PS3/PS4...
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