An Ubisoft dev says that the Wii U version is somewhere between current gen and next gen variants.
The Wii U version of Watch Dogs is superior to those of the Xbox 360 and PS3, Ubisoft creative director Jonathan Morin said.
"It's hard to position it. I would tend to say it's maybe a bit closer
to current gen than next gen for certain things but it's a beautiful
game on Wii U and it's cool to play it just on the GamePad."
Morin also said that, while there aren't any surprising features
exclusive to the Wii U version, Watch Dogs has been optimized for "the
beast that is the Wii U GamePad."
Watch Dogs release November 19 in North America and November 22 in
Europe for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U and PC. Next gen versions will release
with their respective consoles.
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